Pectina Nappage X58, Sosa, 500g

Item No. 100.015.055

Properties:  It is a thickener and/or gelling agent (in the presence of calcium) specially indicated for making gelled iced nappages at a dose of 1 to 1,5% depending on the formulation and texture required. Use:  Mix with the sugar, bring to the boil. Application:  Dairy products and those rich in
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Properties: It is a thickener and/or gelling agent (in the presence of calcium) specially indicated for making gelled iced nappages at a dose of 1 to 1,5% depending on the formulation and texture required.
Use: Mix with the sugar, bring to the boil.
Application: Dairy products and those rich in calcium.
Observations: Thermoreversible between 40 and 60 °C.
Elaborations: Calcic or low in sugar nappages. Custards and creamy elaborations.